Create AI generated video shorts in seconds

AI generated short-form videos made more captivating with AI Captions, Trendy templates, Animated emojis in 99 languages.

Create free Video now
5 star viral shorts
4.9 out of 5

Explore more time-saving features

Powerful features to help you create and grow.

Realtime Analytics Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

AI Captions

Generate video captions in minutes.

User Journey Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

Trendy Templates

Elevate your video shorts with trendy templates.

Automated Reports Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

Animated Emojis

Add animated emojis, colors, and GIFs.

Funnel Optimization Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template


Add captions and subtitles in 99 languages

A/B Testing Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

Full HD

Full HD exports that are optimized for vertical videos

Integrations Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

Team access

Collaborate with your team with team access


Pricing plans for every kind of user

Plan 1

$99 $240

Get started in content creation

Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
No Watermark
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
20 videos / month
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
200MB & 1min30 max/video
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Starter templates
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
3 customs templates
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Use your own ElevenLabs key for AI videos

Plan 2

$249 $360

Best option to improve your content

Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
No Watermark
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
50 videos / month
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
400MB & 3min max/video
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Premium templates
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
5 customs templates
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Invite +2 collaborators
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Upload your own fonts
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Use your own ElevenLabs key for AI videos

Video shorts like top content creators

Accelerate your growth by posting top-quality vertical shorts daily.