71% of people watch more videos than they did a year ago. There’s no doubt that videos have become the most popular choice for content consumption today and this is how video sales letters could work wonders for your business. The average consumer watches hours of Netflix, streaming content, and television per week. More video is then consumed on Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram. We love video, and video sales letters are an insanely effective way to leverage this format to capture attention and convert it into action.
If your business is looking for a new way to engage and attract customers, you should consider using video sales letters. A video sales letter is a video that pitches your product or service to a prospect. It replaces a written sales copy with a persuasive video that can explain a written sales copy much better.
You can use video to make your sales pitch without turning off potential customers by learning certain tricks. A video sales letter can help you describe your products in brief and lets you talk to your audience in a more casual environment.
The title or headline of your video sales letter is the first impression of your content for readers. Using a catchy and appealing headline can grab your customer’s attention without doing anything much. Good headlines will make people click on your content. They will also read longer and share even without reading. A great headline goes directly to the point of your content.
The headline should answer your audience’s question “what’s in it for me.” Another brilliant way of capturing people’s attention is to use power words in your headline. Such words can easily trigger psychological and emotional responses in your users and convince them to watch your video. You can try using power words like easy, free, join, etc. most powerful words are single words, but small, simple changes in word choice can make a big difference in headline performance. That’s because power words grab a reader’s attention more quickly.
Start with writing a perfect script for your video sales letter this can easily be done using ChatGPT prompts for copywriting. Make the video content relevant by thinking about the questions they may have when watching it or if they were placed in the situation presented in the video. Keep the information simple so it is easily understandable. Also, do not overwrite, make sure your script is short and sweet for readers to read and digest.
Apart from the catchy headline, consider starting your video with a question, a character, a shocking fact, or captivating images. Introduce a character or narrate a story that helps employees and teams relate to the message you want to get across.
Once you have your script written, you’ll need to produce your video sales letter.
Let’s check out a few video-producing software.
Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you record, share, and tracks video messages with business prospects. The new Dubb Camera allows you to add multiple clips to create a dynamic video quickly and easily. The Dubb Chrome Extension is a powerful yet easy-to-use video solution that allows you to create and share videos recorded from your screen or webcam.
Loom is a video messaging tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos. With Loom, you can record your camera, microphone, and desktop simultaneously. Your video is then instantly available to share through Loom's patented technology.
With Covideo you can record and send quick, personalized videos that help your team convert more leads, shorten the sales cycle, and close more deals.
Hippo Video is a cloud-based video management software that allows users to capture, edit, and share video, audio, and screen recordings.
All of these tools are super easy to use and you don’t need to be a video pro to use these websites.
Once your video sales letter is ready, it’s time to promote it. Promote it on as many platforms as you can.
The purpose of a sales letter is to convince a specific reader to purchase a service or product. Video content allows you to tell a seamless story to your audience. Such content is effortless for viewers to absorb and typically more entertaining than a written sales letter. If you plan to host a unique marketing event or introduce a new product in your company video content will dramatically expand your reach.
According to studies, the average viewer remembers 95% of a message when it is watched, whereas only 10% when read. Therefore, a video sales letter can give your audience a lot of information in a small video.
Much like a traditional direct mail sales letter, the goal of a VSL is to sell a product or service. Video sales letters can make your pitch even more persuasive. With the increasing popularity of online video, more companies use video sales letters to reach more of their target market.